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Business Partner Participation in the Silent Auction

    Business Partner Participation in the Silent Auction

    SHRM Of SWKS will be hosting a SHRM Foundation Silent Auction at the Annual Business Leadership Conference. Business Partners are strongly encouraged to participate in this event by donating an item to the SHRM Foundation Silent Auction with a minimum value of $25.00. The SHRM Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization supporting the HR profession. Your donation should be unique or tangible (examples: gift cards, iPad, Kindle, golf pass, dinner for two). 

    Silent auction items will be awarded after the giveaways have been presented to the winners.  

    If you are interested in providing a Silent Auction Donation, please complete and submit the attached Silent Auction form before October 7th.

    Silent Auction Form

    For questions regarding the Silent Auction, contact our Chapter President at click here.

    Proceeds from the Silent Auction are benefiting:

    The SHRM Foundation

    Elevate and empower HR as a social force.

    Mobilizing the power of HR and donors' generosity to lead positive social change impacting work, workers, and the workplace.

    A world of work that works for all.

    Scholarships & Grants:
    Each year, SHRM Foundation distributes over $400,000 in scholarships to undergraduates and graduates studying the field of HR. Likewise, grants totally over $200,000 each year are distributed for continuing education to emerging and established professionals in the field of HR. View the list of all awards and application deadlines at

    HR Apprenticeship Program:
    Employers have been seeking additional avenues to find HR talent with the right skills, and to increase workforce diversity. To address these needs, the SHRM Foundation has developed the Human Resource Registered Apprenticeship Program (HR RAP) as a way to provide opportunity to access, develop and retain the talent you need to grow now and in the future. It's also a way for employees to earn a paycheck while training for advancement. For more information visit

    Inclusion Initiatives:
    Employing Abilities @Work: SHRM Foundation's initiative to drive employment for individuals with disabilities. 

    Veterans at Work: the SHRM Foundation's commitment to empowering HR professionals to attract, hire and retain veterans. 

    Getting Talent Back to Work: Helping employers confidently hire individuals with a criminal background.